The Critical Axis logo embraces imperfection with its slightly askew matrix. The upper right, and more aspirational quadrant is blocked off and colored outside the lines. The all caps, san serif Critical Axis word mark is disrupted by an exaggerated forward leaning line of the x that descends below the baseline of the text.

Surprise Reveal

A ‘Surprise Reveal’ occurs when a person’s disability (or in some cases, their lack thereof) is revealed as a surprise or a plot twist. When we first defined ‘Surprise Reveal’ we described a ‘gotcha moment’ where the viewer is shocked to discover that it was actually a disabled person who accomplished a certain feat.

What surprised us though, was the emergence of an entirely different form of Surprise Reveal, which has nothing to do with a disabled person’s accomplishments. In this other form, the Surprise Reveal is premised on the viewer’s assumption that a disabled person couldn’t possibly be a key factor in moving the plot forward. Not all surprises are good.